I am a 28 year old man with 1 wife and 5 children,

who believes you don't have more than 1 wife to have more than 2 children.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

What I wanted to say but knew I'd be fired.

So, 40 something year old woman decided to tell me the difference in her parenting vs her parents "style". This all started this morning when she told me she couldn't move away with her husband now because her daughter wouldn't be able to handle it. I asked "isn't she 21 years old?" she corrected me, "No, she's 22. But she's really struggling right now with a lot of things while in college." This is where I always make my fatal error, I asked her, "what do you mean?".
I must interject at this point to avoid any confusion as to where I stand. I love my wife and 3 daughters, but I do not love promoting the confusion and detrimental desires of the feminist movement. We are raising young women to be women and young men to be men, not the other way around, or in any other form.

Titus 2:3-5 says:

"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."

This society has been lied to for so long now that generations are growing up in falsehood knowing nothing else, only surrounded by compounding lies.

Romans 12:2 says:

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

A man I know once said that if things in the word of God seem foreign to you, than that only shows how conformed your mind is to the world.
The believer, both man and woman has been given much instruction concerning our daily lives. These guidelines are given for many reason, most of protection, but many are to be pictures reflecting the relationship of Christ and his church. We are not a people in bondage, but in precious liberty when walking in obedience.

And now back to our story.

She began telling me about how she has always tried to tell her daughter that her "thoughts are her reality if she really wants them to be." Now I'm not trying to say that's complete bunk but the undertone driving this conversation was that her daughter will excel in the corporate world so long as she made sure to neglect having a family and then continued to neglect any family that would come down the road. My co-worker continued explaining the root of her own troubles concerning this predicament. Her parents believed that a woman was created to be home and raise babies(what a repulsive thought) I stood in near disbelief being lectured on the "passe" desires of her now disappointed parents, all the time thinking "then how did you get so messed up?" Then there was a point of clarity that spoke to me of things I've pondered over for some time now. They promoted college. They told her to do as she was created to do and then blindsided her by sending her off to the wolves to learn to disregard everything they tried to instill in her life. Instead of continuing her preparation as a help meet, they gave up their right of influence and sent her to an institution sculpted by Satan to break down the word of God and destroy the remaining blessing's this nation has enjoyed that were inspired by his word.
So in my presumption, my co-worker's daughter seems to understand that the "career" may not be so desirable, but her mother is desperately dragging her into confusion to help justify her own rebellion.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog!

Jon Davis Jr. said...

Come on Joseph, tell us what you REALLY think!
